
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sunday Sea Shore

North Shore drives are always relaxing and serene. It's like blood pressure medicine for your soul. As you drive along, taking in the Hawaiian country coast, you can't help but feel calmed and peaceful.

This Sunday took us up toward Kaena Point, the western most tip of the island. Most of the photos you'll see here are from this rocky sea line. Pictured above is a little beachy inlet in the rocks that is our favorite place to hunt for sea glass. We always go home with pockets full of beautiful (not sharp) tumbled treasure. 

You can find see some other great shots from the North Shore  HERE.

See! I love this stuff.. No idea what I'll do with it yet. But I'm developing quite the little collection. 

It's a bit hard to find a lot of "beauty" in rocks...but I think I found some. I love this crevice in the rocky "floor" where the water sloshes in. And the spider web was especially intriguing to me. I didn't see the little lady perched anywhere.

The Sun is beautiful. Always. 
It brings beauty out of even the ugliest of places. 
Just like the SON brings beauty into us. ;)

I think I'm developing a thing for half-buried nature things. When I went hiking through Manoa Valley the other day, I kept taking picture of half-buried muddy flowers. =/ What? I think they're lovely. 

This is a shot of a tiny little flower, about the size of a lady's thumb...
It was one of the most colorful things out at Kaena Point.

Besides us of course.

We were wearing all sorts of shades of green and blue and pink. 

But we weren't small enough or cool enough to be curly in the rock weeds. 

This pretty posie was. 

So she got her picture taken.

Here I am!

Brooke at Kaena Point. 
Wind in my hair.
Sun in my face.

And gorgeous all around.

I am blessed.

 the Point and into the town..

This is a coconut monkey... yes. 
I know. 
It's awful.
But I had to take its picture. 
My Love used to have one in his room when I very first met him when we were still teenagers. I never thought I'd see one of those things again...
And then I meet another awful monkey thing just strolling through Haleiwa shop hopping. 

Notice his little spectacles.

Ugly old hairy thing.
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