
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

College Kids

The University of Hawaii's Old Amphitheatre

A few weeks ago I finally checked my UH mail. I hadn't touched it since my last May!  =/  oops. Actually, I'd been neglecting any e-mails that weren't directly from my professors or the financial aid office since early April. So, in my "attempts" to focus on my studies, I missed a rather important note.

After completing my British Lit (after 1900) AWFUL, HORRIBLE final May 5th-ish, my professor asked me why I hadn't come to the English Department's End of Year Award Ceremony. Well, duh. Because I wasn't graduating and I had not been invited! And he scratched his little British head and said, "I know I heard them say your name."

Mmm... no... ?

A gate to a dumpster/storage area at the art building.  Clever hippies. ;) hehe

So like I said... I finally checked my email. Just to see if there was anything from the money people. And I see this note from the English Department Chair asking me to please respond a.s.a.p. in regards to my award.
Whaaaaa? make a long story short-ish... one of my creative writing professors (yes, I said ONE of my professorS- I took 2 creative writing classes last fall), submitted some of my writing for this thing called a Clark Award... And I actually won!


I was supposed to be at that End of Year dealy that my British Lit professor was talking about to receive it. =/ Boo!
Now I needed to fill out some paper work...

So today I went to school.

And I took the kids.

I have my friend's son again this week while she's at work. So the little man you'll see here is our little buddy, Carrot.  Yes. That is his nickname. My husband gave him that nickname a while back- which is an entirely different story altogether- and it stuck.

So Tator, Angel, Carrot and myself took a field trip to UH.
We played with funny flowers and toured the Haunted Library. We even spotted a summer-time People of UH!! Yah!! (think people of wal-mart... it's something I do on facebook).

My girls always love going to my University. They feel big. They feel amazed. They feel inspired.  I'm proud to say that my bebes loooove school. Reading, learning, projects, book reports, teachers... they love it all. I know I just said love three times... but they DO!! ;)

The walk into the main portion of campus, which is also where my building is, is GO-JUS! The path pictured here often features craft fairs, beat-boxers, jewelry-makers, Earth Day events... all of that paired with the usually perfect Hawaiian weather = Happeee Brooke.

For all of the construction and junkiness of the buildings, the Manoa campus is breath-taking in all of its foliage and history.
In a couple of months you'll probably start seeing many more photos from the campus...because there are so many opportunities there!

Which brings me to the really good I think part of this post... the photos. I have no idea what the tree that sheds these unique white flowers?? is called..but it's awesome.

Tator and her floofy flower!

Angel and Carrot are setting aside their favorite floofies to come back for after the Haunted Library. I thought I'd snap a shot of one on its tree... because I love images like this!

Finally, we make it to the Haunted Library... we went here just because. My older daughter is the epitome of a book worm. Since school let out about 3 weeks ago, she has blown through 5 or 6 books. And she doesn't tackle many easy readers... I'm talking The Hobbit, Ink Death... When I was going into 6th grade, I was barely reading The Babysitters' Club!

I didn't even include the best picture of Tator...where she's beaming from ear to ear just because she's in this place.

  This "Haunted" Library, a.k.a. the Hamilton Library houses 3.4 million tangible volumes in over 300,000 square feet of space. I call it the Haunted Library because, well, 1. it's fun to! and 2. my campus tour guide told me some stories that will give you goose bumps...eeee. 
This Library is one of my favorite places on Campus. 

In the previous photo, Tator is smiling because she's found the children's section! I didn't think they had one. But leave it to her to find it. This photo is of a really old book in that section...from 1907. I've found older in other sections of the library. But this blog is about college KIDS today now isn't it?! haha
Angel... my little monkey... was giving me the eye for taking her picture, yet again. Ha!
Kids' books, Art books, Philippine Histories, OH MY!
I found the Angel of Peace in the stacks! (haha, yes I know that I'm lame.) 

Good for you reading is. 
Do much of it you must. 

P.S. The pic of the Amphitheater is today's Project 356.  ;)  No, I didn't forget it.

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