
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

3 Days of 365


I am a smidget behind in my 365 posting. But I have definitely been taking photos every day. My family is actually becoming a bit annoyed with my incessant picture taking. I think... they should give in and feed my need and buy me a new fancy-smancy awesome camera for my up-coming birthday. HA! 

A girl can wish can't she? 

So to the right -->
Is a gorgeous Sumatran Spider Lily...
And this is Today's Project 365.
The girls and I went up to Handsome's work and had lunch with him under the lanai outside his building. There's a beautiful garden surrounding the property and tons of opportunity for a snap happy gal like me.

I resisted whipping out the camera...until I saw these newly bloomed lovely lady plants on my way to the truck. The urge was too strong then. I had to whip out the camera! I always have it with me..cause it's in my phone! And I'm always impressed with the pics it takes.
Camera Macro is BOMB! 

This photo is from a batch I took specifically for the Project 365 challenge. I was snapping pics of the white plumeria, because it smelled fantastic!! and because I don't have any pics of this very common Hawaiian Flower. In the middle of my obsessive interesting picture taking, I made a new friend. So I thought I'd feature her here. Lovely Little Lady isn't she? 

And this little fire flower fell to the ground as I was pulling in the trash can the other day. It's about the size of a silver dollar. I wish I knew what it was if you do, please let me know!? Google is not telling!

My little sister has developed a pretty flower taking obsession just like me. If she had a blog, I would direct you now! Maybe I'll tell her to start one up! She has to do what I say after all, I am the big sister.
And she would love Project 365!

So there you are. 
Now I'm semi-caught up with my 365's. 
I'm gonna jam now! 
Today I am Soccer Mom!!

How was your day?!

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