Day 31 - A picture of a tradition you have.
Every Easter...since 2003...I make pink and blue pancakes for my family. I'm not sure why I started doing this; it was probably just because I knew my little girls would love it. They do. And now we can't go an Easter without them. I'm sure this will continue on as long as they are living with me...and will carry over into their own adult lives with their own children. ( I know..these pancakes are also yellow. But all the pictures I could find of pink and blue pancakes were awful and in progress. So this year, I will take beautiful photos of my pink and blue pancakes. And who knows..maybe one day I will add yellow into the mix.)
Every Easter...since 2003...I make pink and blue pancakes for my family. I'm not sure why I started doing this; it was probably just because I knew my little girls would love it. They do. And now we can't go an Easter without them. I'm sure this will continue on as long as they are living with me...and will carry over into their own adult lives with their own children. ( I know..these pancakes are also yellow. But all the pictures I could find of pink and blue pancakes were awful and in progress. So this year, I will take beautiful photos of my pink and blue pancakes. And who knows..maybe one day I will add yellow into the mix.)