
Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.

I can go really serious here...or just pick the most obvious thing (sharks! and open water)...but yall don't want to see a picture of a shark. And since it doesn't have to be my "greatest" fear, I won't go there either. But there are a few things I'm afraid of...not because I'll ever participate in it, or be in the close vicinity of it...but because I know how dangerous it at any given moment, it could all be over...and I've been on the worrying end of this thing, wondering if my loved one would make it through the actual event... this thing that I am afraid one of the most dangerous things that our service men and women can possibly do while serving overseas. My husband was part of this... I still can't think about it, about the possibilities...or see a movie (like Iron Man) with out tearing up or, in some instances, sobbing. My thoughts and prayers still, and always will, go out to and be with the people that brave the roads... convoys in the middle east are no joke.

This print was created by Jody Harmon @ Beautiful work! I just googled convoys and this stuff popped up!